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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Beau Finishes Training Level Two!

I just uploaded Beau's final Sue Ailsby's Training Levels Two Video (part 6) this evening containing my most boring video yet: Leash Manners. I think multi-minute activities are going to have to be edited down in the future. This one makes watching paint dry seem down-right exhilarating.

For those playing along at home, here's the final list, with the "Part" links taking you to the actual videos.
  • Part 1
    • Down Stay
    • Sit Stay
  • Part 2 (sadly mislabeled as "Three" in the video itself)
    • Distance
    • Handling
    • Trick (spin left/right)
  • Part 3
    • Go To Mat
    • Target
    • Trick ("Easy" button)
  • Part 4
    • Zen
  • Part 5
    • Come
    • Crate
    • Sit and Down
    • Stand and Stay
    • Watch
  • Part 6
    • Leash Manners
... and it's on to Level Three!


  1. What a good idea, making videos of your progress. What a nice record of your progress.
