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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Zachary Finishes Training Level Two!

I just uploaded Zachary's final Sue Ailsby's Training Levels Two Video (part 4) this morning containing the elusive 10 second watch. Yes, I really do mean part 4 and not part 5. Part 5 was actually done before part 3 (and isn't actually labeled part 5 on YouTube.)

For those playing along at home, here's the final list, with the "Part" links taking you to the actual videos.
  • Part 1
    • Sit Stay (20' and back)
    • Down Stay (20' and back)
  • Part 2
    • Stand
    • Stand Stay (10 seconds)
    • Trick (Spin Left/Right)
  • Part 3
    • Distance (2')
    • Handling (ears, feet, tail)
    • Target (end of stick)
    • Zen (hand/chair)
  • Part 4
    • Come (40')
    • Go To Mat (5')
    • Sit (No Food)
    • Down (No Food)
    • Leash Manners (1 minute)
    • Watch (10 seconds)
  • Part 5
    • Crate (close/open)
Now for a brief nap...

... then it's on to Level Three!

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