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Monday, June 21, 2010

Certificates of Achievement

Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m a sucker for Awards and Certificates of Achievement.

They don’t have to be fancy… something printed on parchment-like paper will do, with a printed “gold foil” ribbon or star on it. I have every one the dogs have earned (mostly for just showing up in class) and I tuck them into separate plastic sleeves and put them in their Achievements Binder. Every time I add a new one, I flip through the previous ones and smile at how far the boys have traveled.

Soon, I’ll get to add Zachary’s CGC certificate (in the mail as I type.) I can’t wait!

Alas, there are no Certificates of Achievement for Homeschooled dogs. No parchment-like papers, no printed “gold foil” ribbons or stars. No physical reminders that anything happened at all…


But that doesn’t mean I can’t make one.

(Aren’t computers wonderful?)

Below please find the “official” unofficial Certificates of Achievement for Beau and Zachary for completing Training Levels Three.

I sure hope Sue doesn’t mind!

(As always, click to see larger)

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