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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Success Revisited

"They can because they think they can." -- Virgil

Beau at the start
Beau 30 seconds later - really!
Tonight, without fuss or fanfare, the boys sailed through their Training Levels Four - Watch test (30 seconds @ 10 feet). I think Zachary only blinked once, when I looked down to check my watch. With Beau I just counted slooooowly in my head, as I figured (and rightly so) that he would sit there looking at me pretty much forever. (Video shows I actually held him there 40 seconds.)

Next stop was Training Levels Four - Go to Mat (2 minutes @ 10 feet) which they also passed with ease. While I did video Zachary, I punted on Beau. Really, two minutes of a dog lying on a mat? It's unlikely even Zachary's video will be uploaded unless I can figure out how to throw out every 3rd or 4th frame to speed it up.

In yesterday's Fear of Success post, I asked: "What does this all mean?"

At the moment, all I can think of is that the Nike people have it right: "Just Do It".

This is really boring...


  1. Great job Beau and Zachary! With all the encouragement to get out there and "just do it" I tackled Maizey's L2 stand the last two days and she completely gets it! Of course she wasn't the one with hangups in the first place, that would be me!LOL Don't the things that seemed the hardest also taste the sweetest victory?

  2. "Of course she wasn't the one with hangups in the first place, that would be me"

    ... that should be my theme song this week!!!

    Go Maizey! Don't you just love crossing things of a list. :)

  3. The best part of lists is crossing things off them! Glad I'm not the only one with hangups.LOL Keep up this pace and you guys will be getting your L4 gold star in no time!
