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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Training Challenge

(Editors Note: Please bear with me at the start - this really is dog training related!)

The Artist at work
Dog Blog Post #97: I was reading through a Scrapbooking Magazine I had just purchased, when I chanced across an advertisement for a new book: 52 More Scrapbooking Challenges.

No, I don't normally buy Scapbooking Magazines as I have no time to scrapbook, and after being shocked to learn this one cost me $14.99, I was unlikely to purchase another (note to self: examine price of magazines before purchasing!)...

... EXCEPT...

I ran across that advertisement, which got me thinking.

You see, this was right after having participated in Simone's Contest on the Training Levels Group, and after that someone asked about a new Contest, and I had been thinking - yeah!

... and then I went to the book store, bought this exorbitantly expensive magazine, was feeling sorry for myself for money wasted, all the while carefully reading every single word (to get my money's worth) when I spotted that one particular ad.

(Almost to the dog training part... just hold on!)

Good job Beau!
Amazon's Editorial comment for the above mentioned book states:
"The book is packed with inspired ideas that will stimulate, challenge and energize you. Examples include such challenges as to use a child's artwork on a page, to use a complementary color scheme, to be inspired by a postage stamp, to journal in the shape of a letter, to use fabric on a page, to record your faves at various ages, to use all circles in a design, and so on."

... and that's when I started thinking about dogs, and dog training, and making dog training (ie: homeschooling class) more stimulating, challenging, and making myself more energized.

A Zachary Stamp?
Now, I will admit I'm hard pressed (dare I say challenged?) to figure out how to relate dog training to a color scheme or a postage stamp...

... HOWEVER...

The basic idea of having a Training Challenge - which could be something like Simone's Contest (how fast can you click/treat 15 treats) - is definitely in the realm of possibility.

Soo... on top of all the other distractions I have on my Weekly Worksheets, I'm going to add a Training Challenge.

The first one is probably going to be just for the human part of the team: Generate a list of Training Challenge ideas. If I am successful, you'll be the first to see them, and if you want play along at home and offer ideas, I'd be most grateful!

The Artist and his subject
(Editors Second Note: You may have noticed the increased listing of tags (on the Right, under "See Our Posts On...") and the subsequent switch to a "Cloud" view so as to take up less space. I'm tired of not being able to find things, so I'm hoping by adding more tags, and slightly renaming some existing ones, that I (and one else who might be looking) will be able to find things.

I'm really, really, really hoping people who are subscribed don't get pinged every time I tweak those things! While doing that, I noticed that I am fast approaching my 100th post - something I rather wish I hadn't noticed until after I hit it, as now I'm thinking it needs to be special, and I haven't a clue what that could be.)


  1. Hey kathleen! Love the new idea, although to me you seem motivated enough for both if us already!LOL But can't wait to see the new Training Challenges and get even more inspired. I think we are going to join Ricky's Challenge (http://rickyitsadogslife.blogspot.com/) to train in a different place each week, but we would love to play along with you guys as much as we can. :))

  2. Thanks for the pointer! Nice blog. Hmmm... a challenge to get out of my rut? I'm not sure I'm up to THAT challenge. :) It will be interesting to see what people do.
