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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Puppies - 5.5 Weeks

Oh, happy day!

Today was "Puppy Day", and we trekked northward a few hours for our first official visit with the puppies. It was rather warm out, and puppies were definitely less frisky than they had been last week, when the weather was noticeably cooler (and we were inside - well, I was. The guys were outside "paying our way" by moving the Kennel from point A to point B.)

There were also a lot more people there today, although everyone was friendly and puppies were freely shared.

I have no idea which puppy is the right one for us.

I have little idea how to even make the decision. I dutifully cuddled (yeah, hard job, cuddling puppies) and cooed the little fuzz balls, held everybody (numerous times) and have come to little in the way of a decision.

I guess that's good, as the decision belongs to the breeder after the temperament test, but to at least have an opinion would be nice.

There are eight boys, and of those eight there is only one that we are pretty sure (but not certain) would be a bad match for us. There is one more who we think would be a bad match (but again, are not certain.) There is one we saw little of as he was a favorite of someone else, although I did hold him and found nothing either great nor awful about him.

Assuming that puppy is meant for another, that leaves five puppies. When I asked my son, he listed three that he liked best. I had four on my favorites list, two of which overlapped with his. His "extra" was higher energy than the my choices, my two "extras" were lower energy, and we all agreed that we could be happy with any of those puppies.

(Hubby said "too early to tell" and left it at that.)

Soooo... seven more days must pass before we get our final visit.

If the weather is cooler and the puppies are more frisky then we might be more able to tell them apart...

... maybe.

Of course, how often does anyone get a chance to spend to hours cuddling soft, gentle, somewhat sleepy puppies?

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