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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Nice light! He is starting to look grown up.

  2. Kathleen, I must know how you do these wonderful black background pics!! He looks so serene, are you sure he is a puppy?LOL These shots are just gorgeous.

  3. Super cute! How did he get those water drops on his right ear? Or is that Z spit? ;-)

  4. Those are great pics! He sure is a cutie.

  5. "Or is that Z spit"

    (cough) No comment. :)

  6. "how you do these wonderful black background pics"

    It's an artifact of a pale dog and wonderful natural light streaming through the window in the afternoon into an otherwise unlit room. The camera exposure is for the very well lit subject, which blacks out background.

    I can get those with Zachary and Henry, but Beau was too dark.

    You can also get it outside, if you know what to look for. I personally love the effect!
