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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

The Morning After
Dog Blog Post #189: And now, for this years Goals and Resolutions. To keep things brief, most things have links to somewhat explanatory past blog pages (or external pages in the case of "The Big Stuff".)

The Big Stuff:

  • Family Dog (Henry)
  • Family Dog II (Henry)
  • CGC (Henry)
  • Conformation (Henry - if he "turns out" and I can find one, else Agility for Fun)
  • Rally (Zachary - if I can find one)
Things from Last Year:
New Areas to Explore:
Whew! That should keep us busy, don't you think?


  1. All right, that is it. You are clearly way more organized than I am. I'm sending over a few of my goals for you to check off for me.

    Thanks in advance. :o)))

    Beautiful pup picture.

  2. Whew! I'm tired just reading it all!

  3. I love your dogs and their photos!! Happy New Year! See you around in 2011.

  4. Hi Y'all,

    Just hopped by to see what y'all are up to...and y'all wore me out before I even got a chance to move on down the list! Whew!

    Thank Heavens my Humans didn't make me make any New Years Resolutions!

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. That's an amazing list!! You are going to be soooooo busy, but it sounds like fun. Happy New Year!

  6. Great goals! I'm starting small..just 3 tricks a month and I will probably alternate dogs. I've wanted to work the Training Levels since my dog Malarky was a pup (she is 5 now). I've really gotten out of the training groove (for a variety of reasons) so I need to start somewhere to get motivated. Thought I'd make it a training challenge on my blog so I have some accountability. We'll see!

    Good luck!

  7. Very ambitious goals! Good luck with everything in 2011.

  8. Hi Happy new year. I train all my new street dogs to sit , lie, and give their paw. That is as far as I can go with 15 rescues. Love the site Happy new year. Dogs in Brazil

  9. Good for you!!

    Hope you achieve everything you want in 2011

    Love and licks, Winnie
