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Sunday, December 19, 2010

More Evil Jingle Collar

Dog Blog Post #178: When first we saw The Evil Jingle Collar, it was no where near our young pup's neck. But that would never do. Christmas pictures must be taken!

Yet neither time nor patience, nor even a ton of cookies, seemed to be working. The Jingle Collar remained over here, and Henry remained over there...

... until Uncle Zachary whispered something in his ear.


I kid you not.

And so it was, that Henry sat next to The Evil Jingle Collar...

And then, at long last, and with more than a few false starts, he finally let me slip on The Evil Jingle Collar...

... and the heavens opened...

... and cookies rained down from on high...

... and Henry thought, "Hey, this this pretty good!"

(Well, he didn't think that right away. At first, he looked downright miserable...)

(Nasty Jingle Collar)
But then, as the cookies continued to rain down, the Evil Jingle Collar became a bit less evil...

To be continued yet again...


  1. Oh, what a brave boy you were, Henry! Way to go! It's important to start training your people to jump through hoops for pictures early on!


  2. Cookies for pictures works! I play my Mom like that too...

  3. I jumped through hoops alright, and tossed cookies left and right!

    Zachary just sat there and smiled while Henry acted like I was holding a live snake. Funny how such a bomb-proof dog around noises could be so put off by one little silver bell.
