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Sunday, January 23, 2011

All the Pictures

Dog Blog Post #212: You asked for it, you got it.

Here's a pair of Scrapbook pages containing 33 of the 34 pictures I took yesterday (Friday) for the Monochrome daily shoot.

(Yeah, "just" 33. I seem to have "lost" one when I was moving them into PowerPoint, and I was too lazy to figure out which one I was missing!)

These are totally raw, no clipping, cropping, no color fidgeting, or retouching. All were taken between 11:58am and 12:11pm (ie: quickly).

If you click on the two images, you'll see much larger versions.

Is that the way I normally "work" (mindlessly banging off shots?)


But on that particular day I was just looking for "gold" and "in the sun" and "black background". I wasn't even sure if I wanted a recognizable piece of a dog or just fur.

Anyway, there you have it. It was a lot of fun and I think the dogs enjoyed the shower of cookies for doing very little - a pleasant change from the more "staged" pictures with props and body parts needing particular placement.

As for today?

Today's Daily Shoot assignment was:

Make a photo that features stripes of some sort today.

Yeah, stripes.

Do you have any idea how many stripes my golden's have?



So I had to enlist the help of a little striped friend.

Boy were the dogs interested in my little friend. I'm actually surprised they held still for all my fidgeting with them and my friend. Out of a dozen+ shots, here are a couple favorites, minus one.

The missing one?

Well, you'll just have to stop by on Wordless Wednesday to see it!


  1. Love the photos! Can't wait til Wordless Wednesday... :)

  2. These totally rock. Well done. I love your interpretation of stripes.

  3. I love! the snuggle shot of you and your zebra! I wish my Mom would spend more time acting like the puparazzi and taking gorgeous shots of me!

  4. What beautiful shots! I love them all. Your dogs must have the softest fur ever. I feel like I could touch them through the screen. Love the zebra pics, very sweet.

  5. Adorei seu blog, suas fotografias e seus cachorros. Muito lindo mesmo.Gosto demais de animais e os tambem os tenho como meus melhores amigos. Meu blog SUZEWECK.BLOGSPOT.com.Quando tiveres tempo passa por la. Abraços Suze.
