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Monday, January 24, 2011

Haste Makes...

Dog Blog Post #213:  Lousy Pictures?  Well, maybe not lousy, but...

The Daily Shoot assignment was:

Celebrate the pretty things in life. Make a photograph of the most beautiful thing you see today.

Can't go wrong, right?

Alas, the sun failed me, refusing to shine when I needed it the most. Or the clouds refusing to part when I needed them gone the most. Yes, that probably makes more sense.

And so, not knowing what else to do, I panicked.

I grabbed the camera, and made do with what I had. Later, of course, after I uploaded to The Daily Shoot (convinced the sun would never shine again) the haze parted, the sun shone, and there was nothing but clear blue sky.


But enough chatter - here's what I uploaded:

I loved the gentle expression, the fact it was crisp and clear, the little fuzzy bits of hair on Henry that show up against the background of Zachary, and that I had remembered to completely clean off the dogs faces before I started.

(But wait, isn't this supposed to be a training blog? Well, yes, it is. But darned if taking pictures isn't more fun than teaching Stay, and some days I find it a heck of lot easier to write about. I mean, "Today, Zachary stayed. Henry didn't. Henry's trick is coming along. Zachary's isn't. The End." Yeah, there's literary greatness for you.)

Finally, as mentioned before, the haze parted, the sun appeared, and through my favorite winter window shone a dazzling beam of light.

So I grabbed my camera, a dog (or two) and decided to bang off a few for the heck of it, and got...

The window frame in the way...

My head in the way...

Henry sticking his tongue out at me...

... and a blurry shot of Zachary sticking his tongue out...

Is it tomorrow yet?


  1. These are beautiful pictures with beautiful models.

  2. Can`t go wrong with such beauties...in the sun or in the clouds...no matter! Very nice shots!

  3. I'm really enjoying the daily photos. I'm not much of a photographer, so it's really neat to see what you come up with every day. :)

  4. It's Monday everywhere, if it makes you feel better! I know what you mean. I've gotten very particular about my Wordless Wednesday shots, but those are always shot on the weekend. When I can't get things right for it, it really bugs me!

  5. Beautiful images, again.

    Don't need the sun to capture beautiful images.
