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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Main Attraction

Dog Blog Post #215: Oh no, I've been found out! Bunny's mom from Tales and Tails has uncovered my evil plot to try and hook the entire dog blog following world to The Daily Shoot... 

or not...

Speaking of the The Daily Shoot...

Today's assignment was a fun one, for all concerned:

Make a photograph today that illustrates attraction. Pick whatever definition of the word you'd like.

I briefly flitted with ideas like the Tennis Ball (backyard is a mess) the Deli Chicken (don't trust Henry, but Zachary could do it) and a large dog biscuit...

But then it hit me - stuck in my brain, if you will:

Peanut Butter (aka Food of the doGs)...

And for kicks, an "out take" (not helping my anti-counter-surfing efforts here)...

... and the one only "dog people" would understand...

Wordless Wednesday is right around the corner!


  1. Love the first one. That is great! I can't imagine peanut butter lasting long enough on the counter to actually take a photo!! :)

  2. Bwaaaaaaa ha ha ha! How did I miss this before? I'm afraid that unguarded jar of peanut butter would have been in grave peril at my house!

    I KNEW IT!

  3. The peanut butter idea was inspired!
