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Friday, January 7, 2011

Never Been Kissed

Dog Blog Post #196: Remember how I reserved the right to change my mind about what trick we were going to be working on?

Good thing, as I gave “Kisses” a try this week.

This should be an easy trick - at least it was with Beau. I pointed to my cheek, he gave me a sniff to check out what I was pointing to, I clicked, he got a cookie….

He was sold on this trick right from the start. It was embarrassing to even it call it a trick, as it was such a natural thing for him to do, and he did it so easily.

For anyone.

At anytime.

(Have I ever mentioned that the ladies at the pet store called him a hussy? No, probably not. Moving on…)

Along comes Zachary. I figured, “Hey, let’s do an easy trick – that old ‘Kisses’ thing.” Yeah, right. Zachary not only did not care to check out my finger (nor my cheek) he actually backed up, and looked away!

Ok, so much for that one.

Time passes, and here comes Henry. Sweet little Henry. Friendly little Henry. Loves to lick my cheek and chew on my ear Henry. I figured, “Hey, let’s do an easy trick – that old ‘Kisses’ thing.” Yeah. Right. Henry not only did not care to check out my finger (nor my cheek) he actually backed up, sat down, and then decided to play sit-n-stare.

And stare.

And stare.

(Gee, what a surprise.)

So I pointed, and he sat, and I pointed, and he stared, and I dipped my finger into cream cheese to sweeten(?) the pot, and he tried to lick the spoon instead of my finger (stupid me, should have put the spoon on the table) and I gave up.



  1. How about rubbing some cooked bacon on your hands and cheek? =9 Oh, they can be so contrary at times!

    Thanks for the visit and comment at my post. Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Some days it just goes like that. My dogs have let me know more than once what trick THEY are going to do, even if they know paws down. Who in the world do they think they are deciding for themselves?? BOL Good luck for next time!

  3. They knew you were a kiss and tell kinda mom and they are shy. :o)))

  4. Well, you know kids! They'll do anything to embarrass you!

  5. Hello, my pup pals. I found you through the Saturday Blog Hop.
    Ahhhh, Yes, I recognize the trick being performed. ! The fine art of playing "hard to get".

  6. Happy I found you through the Saturday Blog Hop.
    I have become a follower and looking forward to visiting you frequently.

  7. Perhaps you just have to find something he really, really likes to lick and he'll learn that trick pronto.

  8. I think I'd like to learn that trick. I kiss Mama all the time. You mean she might give me a treat for doing what I love to do anywway? Wow. I sure am glad I visited you on the blog hop!

    Your Pal,

  9. Hysterical! I'm with the stares! Way to go Henry!

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  10. Just popped in from Pet Blogger day..nice site


  11. Those doggies will have you trained in no time!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  12. Can't resist you guys...beautiful! Blog hops really help peeps find great blogs!

  13. Thanks for visiting my blog! I want a doggie, unfortunately hubby is allergic, so we settled for 4 cats instead.

  14. So glad I saw Pet bloggerand signed up. Otherwise I would have missed you beautiful dogs. So cute!

  15. what beautiful dogs and such a funny story.
