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Friday, January 21, 2011

Shades of Gold

Dog Blog Post #211: The Daily Shoot for today was:

Take color out of the equation and make a monochromatic photograph today.

Uh oh, as my teenage son would say, "big words hurt brain!"

A quick check of the dictionary for monochromatic gives, "having or consisting of one color or hue."

A quick check of the AKC standard for Golden Retriever color gives, "Rich, lustrous golden of various shades."


And what a lovely day for photography, it was. The sun was shinning, the sky was blue, the shadows long and dark.


Yes, dark. I need those nice long, dark shadows to create a nice dark background for my lustrous dogs!


The boys were actually in a cooperative mood. I had them next to one another, in front of one another, on top of one another (a bit of challenge there.)

Fifteen minutes later, I had 34 pictures and hardly a dud amongst them.

(Really, a child with a polaroid could have taken these. No props, no worries about lighting. This was about as easy as it gets!)

I took pictures of fur, of feathers (of the canine variety), of ears and whiskers and fluffy tails...

In the end, the hardest part was picking my favorite - but I did. See below. There was just something about the soft look on Zachary's face that won me over!


  1. Your images are beautiful. Of course, you have some pretty spectacular subjects, but you are the one that is making them so spectacular.

  2. Great use of the theme! I especially love that last shot of his face. I'd be tempted to frame that!

  3. Lovely shots, love all the gold. I love close up shots.

  4. Beautiful shots! These would make a lovely photo collage... might have to borrow your idea. I've been wondering how to decorate my office walls :)


  5. I love it! Your dogs are gorgeous! I would love to see ALL thirty four pictures you took when you took these!

  6. Such beautiful, peaceful photos!! They are gorgeous....the pups and the photos!
    Kelly & Crew
    Big Mac, Molly & Moxie

  7. Clearly you have the eye for photography. Some really great shots and some nice work on the play of light across their fur. Have to agree - I love the last one too.

    I love the image of your two dogs! So adorable!

    Enjoy the hop!
