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Friday, January 14, 2011

Telling Tails

Dog Blog Post #203: Oh, dear - it's much worse than I originally feared.

While it appears that Henry has narrowly avoided Cervidae Transmogrification, his continuing physical transformation now has him on a path toward...

... toward...

I can't even bring myself to write it.

Instead, behold for yourself...

He may be the Cat's Meow, but isn't this taking things a bit too far?

And lastly, today's assignment from The Daily Shoot:

Let's play with movement today. Get a shot of something in motion. Freeze it or let it blur. It's up to you!


  1. Oh my goodness, you are killing me with these pics! I mean the learning how to lift you leg shots with uncle zachary? Hilarious! And now. . . tail pics??? You know how I LOVE tail pics!LOL Keep 'em coming!

    BTW you are kicking tail on the walking challenge so glad you joined us! I'm glad the badge worked out for you too!

  2. That has to be the cutest tail I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What an awesome tail! We wish ours would curl like that! Too cool!!

  4. That is a lovely tail, quite descriptive and curly, like a cats! Cute

  5. My Cats would love his tail its' curve on the tip. Love your blog and gorgeous pictures.

  6. Woof! Woof! I'm Sugar ... visiting you for the first time from SPBH. Looking forward to your visit to my blog n be bloggie friends.
    Cute Tails. Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  7. Hi Y'all,

    Just hopped by from SPBH to see what y'all are up to this weekend. ROO,ROO!!! BOL!! Too cute!

    I'm now a new follower! Lookin' forward to gettin' to know y'all better!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Isn't it funny how tails change when you are growing up? I started out with a skinny tail that curled over my back to the magnificent plume that my Dad calls a reverse mohawk. Do you think you'll have one of those?

  9. My tail is getting better and better! I'm looking forward to a magnificent plume!

    Happy Hopping!


  10. Since I only have a nubbin' tail, I'm quite jealous!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  11. Great bum shots...that's quite a tail!

    Shake it, Henry!

  12. There is something waiting for you on my blog.
