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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Too Much?

Dog Blog Post #190: Ok, now you've gone and made me nervous. After reading the comments on yesterday's Goals and Resolutions post, I have the distinct impression that I might have bit off more than my dogs can chew. (Not easy to do when you have golden's)

And yet, it's not so very different than last year.

Ok - obviously "New" Training Levels (by definition, being "New") is something new...

... and I haven't seriously tried Conformation before...

... and all those "New Areas..." things (Canine Journal, Unit Studies, Canine Enrichment...) are kinda new...

... and the Trick of the Week. (Can't forget that one.)

But the rest is just the same old, same old. For the most part. Isn't it?



Oh well, as a way of kicking things off (and settling in) below is the Syllabus for this month.

(No, I don't usually post these here, their normal haunt being BZDog Activities. But it is the first of the year, so I thought - why not? As always, click to see larger.)


  1. I certainly didn't mean to sound discouraging! It's more than I can do, but I'm generally lazy! lol I think you'll do great!

  2. You weren't discouraging - ALL comments are welcome! I'm also lazy by nature. But a bored dog is no fun to live with, so I need to create clear goals to keep them busy, so I *can* find times to be lazy (and they sleep!)

    ... speaking of which, at the moment the little one is extracting to-be-shredded items from the shred bag. Guess it's time to do some more training!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That photo is adorable! I'm impressed by your goal list... can't wait to hear how it goes.

  5. I'm betting you will pull it off.

    You've got your fan club cheering you on. :o)))
