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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Teething


  1. Hope those teething teeth aren't too painful.

    What lovely white teeth though - you've got a really dazzling celebrity smile coming along there.

    Love and licks, Winnie the Greyhound (Eight years old and frankly my teeth have seen better days).

  2. Via's mouth is a bloody mess this morning.

  3. Oh you poor, poor puppy! Isn't it awful when teeth start hurting.

    Hope they all come out soon!

  4. Chewing is so much fun though. I wonder if I'm still teething????

  5. Funny how those little teeth go so fast! We have a friend on Facebook who had to take one of her Shepherd puppies in to have some of his puppy teeth pulled because they wouldn't come out. Yeeoch!

  6. Those are beautiful teeth!
    Big Mac, Molly & Moxie

  7. Is that rosemary you're getting into?! You're not only adorable but you're going to smell delicious!

    -Chandra at Daley's Dog Years

  8. Yup, rosemary.

    In the space of just a few minutes he chewed on a couple trees, a rosebush (twice), the rosemary (broke a big branch off) and a stick. In fact, he's putting just about anything not nailed down in his mouth (and some things that are!)

  9. Hey! Picture Henry's k9 times ALL of his teeth being double and you have Magnus mouth! sigh. I hope they start falling out soon, my soft mouth boy is turning into a shark. But I did get a good suggestion from Sara and Oreo to freeze a wash cloth and he is going to town on one now, seems to love it! I hope it might make him feel better it can't feel good to get all your teeth at once.
