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Friday, February 25, 2011


Snuggle Bugs

Dog Blog Post #247: Did you know that Flickr magically chooses pictures each day and displays them in on their Explore/Interestingness page? Wasn't I tickled to find both Scale and Yellow made the cut. How cool is that?

There's even a unrelated web site called Scout where you can go to that creates a cute little image for you displaying what's been on Explore. At the moment, mine looks like this:

(If I'm behind the times, please humor me. I tend to be rather glacial in staying in tune with things.)

Speaking of moving at a slower pace... today's Daily Shoot assignment was:

Illustrate your idea of peace and harmony--or maybe just peace and quiet--today with a photograph.

On the one hand, I figured this was easy - two dogs sleeping, two dogs snuggling, two dogs chilling out... how hard could it be.

On the other, I was a bit disappointed, as I'm sure everyone is getting tired of "Look Sad" pictures and I was hoping for something a bit more... perky.

Anyway, I dutifully set things up in the kitchen, and snapped the picture at the top of this post and then the one below...

Henry and Friend

And yet... I don't know. They seemed a bit posed. They were, of course, down to tucking ducky under Henry's paw, but I guess I was hoping they wouldn't look it.

(Note Zachary's conspicuous absence, as he equates ducky to "find the hedgehog" and was not about to "Look Sad", making that two days in a row he gets the Missing Skill of the Day award.)

I took another stab at it in the evening, long after the sun had gone down and lighting was (as usual) poor. That said, it led to the picture I ultimately uploaded...

ds466 - Shhhhh

... are they really sleeping? I'll never tell! But I defy anyone to tell me they don't look peaceful. :)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. At the very least, they look totally cute!

  2. Sure looks peaceful to me! :)

    PS. There's an award for you on our blog. Swing on by and pick it up! Life with LuLu

  3. I think you got a great shot! The lighting might play in your favor, too, since it adds to the coziness. Well, it does in my opinion, anyway!

  4. Hi Y'all,

    Hmmm. Told me things I didn't know.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. I love it! And congrats on being on the Expore page - very cool. :)
