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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rain Rain...

Dog Blog Post #242: It rained today.

Now, normally I wouldn't have minded, as rain is good thing when you live in an area that averages less than 15 inches a year.


Today the Daily Shoot assignment was:

Make a photograph of something that captures a small bit the flavor of where you live or your culture.

... and showing a piece of where you live sort of requires you leaving the dryness of home for the wetness of elsewhere.


So I decided to focus on the "culture" aspect, and I took the picture up top,

(What, can't dog people have a culture, too? One that I'm sure includes a large basket of dog toys!)


... it just seemed like I was being a weather wimp, until hubby had a great idea (no, really, he did!)

He said, "Why don't you just take a picture from within the car?"

See... didn't I tell you it was great idea?

So I grabbed hubby (aka the designated driver) and Henry (the designated dog) and we headed to a not-to-distant winery and the cool house that sits there.

ds461 - Vineyard

I love my hubby!   :)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. What a good idea your hubby had! I love both of the photos!

  2. Ha! I KNEW you'd think of something creative! I LOVE the 'outdoor' shot!

  3. Sometimes hubbies see the obvious that we look right past while trying to achieve our goals. I'll definitely keep mine too!

  4. Neat idea! I love the angle here... the photo turned out great.

  5. Another gorgeous photo! We hope you will check out our blog today - we have been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award and we would love to pass it on to you!

  6. Very cool. Since we are mostly about rain, I can totally relate.
