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Friday, February 4, 2011

A Sense of Depth

Dog Blog Post #226: Hopping right to it, the Daily Shoot assignment was:

Create a photo today that gives a sense of depth or dimension.

Not sure if I should call it easy or hard. Coming up with ideas was definitely easy, although usually the execution left something to be desired.

Henry likes to be the center of attention (gee, what a surprise, he's a teenager) and therefore mostly gets in the way.

He's fine assuming he's the one I'm taking pictures of, and the picture just requires him to sit still and be adorable.

If it requires "acting", I need to switch to Zachary, which works fine so long as I can keep Henry from "helping."

Pretty big "if" unless I make use of a gate or a door!

Below are some of the shots that didn't get picked, for reasons varying from lack of novelty to lack of lighting to lack of ability to get it right:

Henry through paper towel roll
Along the path
Zachary and the Soda Box
Zachary from under the Sofa
Finally, despondent and ready to throw darts at them just to pick one, I saw the dogs playing. Hmm... I grabbed the tip of Henry's tail and tried taking up a picture of the length of his back. Nice idea, not enough light. And then Zachary laid down and started chewing on a box. Better - as he stationary works better in lower light - but then he turned his head to see what I was doing behind him, and I had a winner (top of the post.)

I did fiddle with this in iPhoto a bit, something I don't normally do much of (and don't really know what I doing, and have an ancient version to do it with!) but while the I love the pose, finding it almost sensual, the lighting wasn't so great.

And finally, I got some really great comments on yesterday's Looking Skyward assignment - appreciated one and all!

Yes, BrownDog, I liked the halo on Henry's nose, too. Probably my favorite bit. No, houndstooth, I don't have any helpers. I suppose I could, if I was desperate, but I think the helpers are probably harder to train than the dogs (if you know what I mean!) I didn't consider the tripod and the clik-stik, Katie, but it probably would have helped (for Zachary) - will give a go if/when this sort of assignment shows up again! I have to give some thought as to why the picture just didn't move me - I'll have to get back to you on that!

LuLu and Wally might actually have faired better with the over-the-head/muzzle shot, as the length of a goldens' noses was more a hinderance than a help for focusing, and your bat ears framing the shot would have been adorable!


  1. Thanks for linking up. Have an awesome weekend.

    Felissa, Davinia, and Indiana

  2. I give you kudos for doing all those shots with nobody else to help! Often it's a two person job for us, but mostly when we're trying to get all four of the dogs to cooperate!

    I like the one of his eye through the paper towel tube!

  3. Stunning! The depth of field is fab! You're right, it is quite sensual for some reason. I love it! :)

  4. If I had seen the rejected pictures first, I would have wondered what was wrong with them. Each one had something interesting.

    But the one you chose is just amazing. The light is perfect.

    Now I'm going to have to start staring at Honey's butt to see what she looks like at that unusual angle.

  5. Woof! Woof! Golden WOW! You're giving many but great ideas to my mom ... who likes to take photos n wanna be a photographer. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
    FYI: We suggest to place watermarks on your lovely photos. We started doing it last October ... caused of the spammers/scrappers. (just this week - someone stole/used my FB photo as their FB profile photo - we reported to FB, solved but awful). If you are not familiar with/on how to create a watermark on your photographs let us know. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. Loved all the pics, but the one you featured is a really different perspective on our backs.

    Love the way it shows each hair and the background is solid black with nothing to destract the eye.

    The ones looking through the towel roll and under the sofa are really different too.

    :)Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. Hello, here on the blog hop. Great photos and great blog!

  8. Stopping by from the blog hop. The photos look awesome!

  9. Great creativity that captures many nice poses, So funny and have a moral that help to learn, how love to everyone and also their different activities....

  10. The photography with depth is much more interesting and attractive. I have found many new and useful information about this subject. thanks about it.
