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Thursday, March 3, 2011


ds472 - Art Appreciation

Dog Blog Post #253:Aaaaaak! Fell asleep on the sofa with Henry Blanket (oh, so warm and snuggly) and now must hurry...

Today's Daily Shoot Assignment:

What kind of other art do you appreciate? Make a photograph that celebrates it today.

Embroidery? Quilting? Drawing?

I'm not sure the first two "qualify" and I haven't done the third in years (sigh) but my mom is a true artist, and I definitely admire and appreciate her work! Years ago she painted a semi-abstract picture of my dear, sweet "once in a lifetime" kitty. Kitty passed some years ago to the rainbow bridge, but the painting, and the memories it represents, will stay with me forever...

So out comes the ex-pen in a semi-circle, painting was leaned up against one side (perfect fit between two panels stretched straight!), non-stretchy (cheap) black fabric on the ground like a drop-cloth, and a new plum fabric along the other side to create a solid "wall".

Tried both dogs, but together they took up too much room and blocked the painting, so I used them one at a time.

The camera was on the big tripod, using a 10 second timer. That gave me just enough time to push the button, run around behind the "set" (outside ex-pen, behind painting) and look over the painting, get the dog down and set, then tap my fingers on the back of the painting (through the ex-pen) to get him to look "at" the painting.

Zachary was by far the better actor (no surprise) and picked up what I wanted after the first shot. I took just three, and ultimately went with the second shot. I took about six of Henry, who took so long to get settled each time that I didn't have time to "tune" his head to the right spot (for the Missing Skill of the Day award.)

And that's that!

ds471 - Repeating patternAs for Wordless Wednesday's (yesterday's) Daily Shoot assignment:

Find a repeating pattern today and make a photograph of it.

I had a bit of fun with that one. :)

Prom NightThe eye-bending spotted fabric is the "fur" fabric that I normal throw over the dog pillow, thrown over the backboard instead. The lovely purple bandanas came home with the boys from the day spa.

The rather loud pink and purple print was from the discount bin at the fabric store. $5 per yard! Alas, it's shimmery (not good) and it wrinkles (even worse) so after a batch of bad shots, I smushed it together across the top of the backboard to create soft drapes, and titled it "Prom Night".  :)

I could probably write a whole post waxing on about fabrics, but you're in luck, I'm out of time!

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  1. I love reading your blog and looking at your pictures. Your pictures are incredible.
    Thank you for sharing how you set up for the shots. I have never really gotten use to using a tripod but am now forcing myself to get used to it.

  2. That's a beautiful portrait of Kitty!

  3. I love today's shot! That is so classic and adorable! Your mom is quite a talented artist, too!
