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Friday, March 25, 2011

In Motion

ds495 - Motion
Dog Blog Post #276: The Daily Shoot assignment sounded easy enough...

Make a photograph of something in motion. Use blur to help convey the motion you are capturing.

But I just couldn't get what I was looking for. I tried tossing toys, cookies, rolling balls, feeding time (Henry still spins), getting them rearing, jumping, playing,...

Nothing jumped out at me, and nothing was that interesting.

In the end, I cropped square then played games with brightness and contrast, producing the picture at the top of the post. My second favorite was the shot below - because just about everything is blurry except the teeth!

ds495 - Motion

Oh well, on days like this it's good to remind one's self that tomorrow brings a brand new assignment! :)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Hopping over from the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop...GREAT images! Love those bright white sharp teeth! I say you did very well with your assignment.

  2. Great Shot! I love reading how prepare for them. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Woof! Woof! In motion is truly hard to capture. My mom wished she could have got some actions photos on my current no so good activity (check out my post today why). Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  4. I love the photo!
    We are stopping by from the hop to say hello! Have a PAWsome weekend!

    Doreen, Kiko, Riley and Millie
    Doggies and Stuff blog

  5. Loving the pictures. Just stopping by from the Blog Hop!

  6. It's much easier to catch action when they have a little room out side to move.

    I love the second one with the attack.

  7. The second one is my favorite too.
