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Friday, March 18, 2011

Lending A Hand

ds487 - Lending a Hand

Dog Blog Post #270: Hope everybody enjoyed their St. Patrick's Day! Real Life has been keeping me busy - too busy to even work on a trick - and while I have been enjoying all the usual blogs, I have been forced to skip the commentary.

Hopefully things will improve soon...

ds487 - Lending a Hand (Alternate)
On to the Daily Shoot assignment, for which I did manage to find 15 minutes for:

Show your own hand in a photograph today doing something. Reaching, holding, touching, or making a sign.

Whew - an easy one!

Not much commentary to add here - I used "Leave it!" to keep the cookies from being eaten, loved (and hated) the drool, and that's Henry's lunch in the bowl being presented to Zachary!

Yes, I tried some with Henry, but for some reason they came out pale and blurry.


Such is life.

Had the focus/exposure been better, there would have been a nice shot of Henry shaking, as well as balancing that huge cookie on his nose!

Yes, the boys both got one of those big cookies when I was done. :)

BTW: The selected picture was the one at the top of the post.

ds487 - Lending a Hand

Editor's Note: And yes, as Lessons from and for 4 Legs astutely noticed, Henry is indeed beginning to swap out his pale puppy facial fur for something a shade or two darker. In the end, he will probably be the color of his ears, which is pretty much the color of Zachary. He's already swapped out much of this back and sides fur. This not only marks another stage in maturity for my baby boy, but makes get the exposure right a bit tough, as he either comes out looking washed out, or raccoon-eyed!

As for greygirl25's question about whether I "sleep at night or has the 'what am I going to do tomorrow?' taken over?"

The answer is a resounding yes to both. I usually take a peak at the assignment before I go to bed, and then "sleep on it". Hopefully, by the time I get time to take the pictures, I will have thought of something!

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  1. What a sweet look Zach had in the first picture. And we loved the drool--what's a dog treat without a little drool?

  2. Yet another reason I can't look at The Daily Shoot! I'd lose sleep over it!

    The top one is my favorite, too!
