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Thursday, March 17, 2011

No Horizon

ds486 - No Horizon

Dog Blog Post #269:

Too rushed.

No time.

Came home.

Two minutes to get Daily Shoot assignment:

Make a photograph outdoors without an obvious horizon line.

Grabbed camera.

Went outside.

"Henry, sit!"


Prayed it was in focus.

No time to visit other folks Wordless Wednesday posts. :(

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Sounds like you had a very busy day. The picture turned out great!

  2. Those busy days can get you from time to time. The good news is that you can go back and look at them later! ;)

    I think it's a rather cute shot of Henry, btw!

  3. "Real life" strikes again.;) Life gets crazy sometimes, but the pic is still gorgeous. Henry is really growing up, is his coloring changing? It looks like in this natural light pic. And don't worry about the WW's, they will all still be there when you get a free minute. . . if you get a free minute.LOL Hope tomorrow is less busy!

  4. You so inspire me... I'm so hit or miss on the DS these days. I need to make the time!
