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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Very Interesting

ds489 - Interesting

Dog Blog Post #272:Stole a page out of houndstooth's most excellent playbook for today's Daily Shoot...

Go somewhere you've not been to in a while and make a photograph of something that grabs your interest.

... and despite the interference of Real Life and the wet and dreary weather, found time to grab Henry and take off to pose near a sculpture that has always intrigued me.

Tucked behind the police station and the city offices, totally out of sight and off the beaten path, I'm guessing that most citizens of its community have absolutely no idea it is even there. I can find no plaque describing it, and can think of no link between its form and the history of the town.

I'm pretty sure the true meaning of the sculpture, if it even has one, would be a let down from the visions that dance through my head.

ds489 - Interesting (Alternate)

My favorite is the first picture, as the form of the rock is similar to Henry's back, and the tie on the rock is somewhat like his harness.

(I'll have to keep the second photo in mind in case that "play games with scale" assignment ever comes back again!)

This was a place Henry had never been before, and Missing Skill(s) of the Day abounded. He didn't want to pose next to the rock (at first), he didn't want to get on the rock block (at first), and spent every possible moment grazing the lawn like some sheep in wolves clothing!

In the end, and with liberal application of cookies, he overcame all. In fact, he become so enamored with standing on the rocks that he was hopping up and throwing poses for free at every opportunity - including the one above!

I definitely consider the outing to be a major success, and really should go to "interesting" little places more often!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Haha. The power of the cookie!! That is a very interesting sculpture, that's for sure.

  2. Oh my gosh! I totally love that shot! That sculpture is just amazing and Henry is posed by it just perfectly! I am in awe of this one. I always like your pictures, but I think this is one of your best!

  3. That is totally cool. I look forward to the golden adventures of Henry and

  4. Now THAT'S a beautful picture! Interesting looking sculpture.
