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Friday, March 18, 2011

Warm Fuzzies

ds488 - Warmth

Dog Blog Post #271:The Daily Shoot assignment...

Convey warmth in a photograph today.

ds488 - Warmth (Alternate)

Alas, it rained pretty much all day, and was cloudy when it wasn't raining, so my bright idea of showing lovely fluffy Henry fur was... well... all wet. :)

Next thought was just to play "dress up", and I did. Both boys are getting used to this game, and I had no problems with them (sorry - I know problems are much more fun to read about.)


I'm think that I'm going to have to start making things "harder" just to keep things interesting. I'm thinking props, tricks, and poses are the way to go - so if anyone has any great ideas for either I'd love to hear it!

(Think of it as self-preservation - just how many pictures of the dogs laying down on the pillow can you stand to see!)


Real Life is still taking a huge bite out of my time, the bright side (for you) being the posts are a lot shorter!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I am totally impressed by your creativity.

    As always, your boys are gorgeous and your pics are wonderful.

  2. "Think of it as self-preservation - just how many pictures of the dogs laying down on the pillow can you stand to see!"

    Billions :o)

  3. It's just getting warm outside here in Atlanta, so the warm woolies are being packed away! Great pics! I'm dropping by for the blog hop today and would love a visit from you!


  4. It's 85 here today, so I get hot just looking at these photos, and yet they are sooooo adorable!

    Stop by All Things Dog Blog to view the award you have won: http://www.allthingsdogblog.com/2011/03/stylish-dog-blog-or-dejavu.html Congratulations!

  5. Those pictures are so cute! Especially Henry wearing that hat!

    Hmmm... Props.... Can either of them catch a ball or frisbee? If you could get some action shots of that outside, it could be a fun change. Although I know stuff like that is easier said than done!

    Sorry that things have been so hectic for you!

  6. These photos do make me feel all warm and cozy. :)
