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Thursday, March 10, 2011



Dog Blog Post #261: Short on time. Must be brief. Daily Shoot assignment:

Make a photograph that features water in one way or another today.

Too bad our backyard waterfall is out of commission at the moment.


So I used a hose in front of the pond below the waterfall...

ds479 - Water

... using my finger to spread the stream of water, and thus getting my second "tongue" shot of the week - this one of Zachary.

Not great, but it met the conditions. For the record, I also tried pouring out of a rose-tipped watering can in front a dog (yawn) and pouring water on the ground for the dog to lap up (yawn*2).

Feeling a bit... unfulfilled, I then turned to close-ups, ending up with the shot at the top of the post. I just can't get those great "eye" shots that everyone else seems able to get. Will keep at it.

(I'd love to blame my little point-n-shoot camera, but I'm honestly not sure that's the problem.)

BTW: That picture was actually taken horizontally, but severely cropped to be vertical and show just Henry. Coloring seemed a bit... off. Wondering if I had a wrong setting somewhere on the camera.

... and that's about it!

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  1. Are you planning to write a post on how you get your dogs to cooperate so nicely with your photography?

  2. The color doesn't seen off to me, but I didn't see it in real life for myself. Some days the color just comes out different for reasons unknown. I think that the picture looks really cool, and the water definitely adds interest!

  3. I love these pictures! I think that first one is my favorite so far. The angle on the second one is neat - unusual perspective.
