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Friday, April 29, 2011

102 Pictures

Henry B&W

Dog Blog Post #314: Today marks the 102nd (consecutive) picture tweeted to the Daily Shoot, the 104th assignment done.

Have I learned anything from all this? I think so. I certainly know a whole lot more about my little point-n-shoot than I did when I started, and I'd thought we were pretty well acquainted then!

I've learned how to use the whiteness balance presets to make the best of cold light, warm light, and everything in the middle. I've discovered what ISO is, and why I should care. I've seen what happens when you do (and don't) use a tripod, and now consider it indispensable.

I've played games with iPhoto, turning disasters into something presentable, and things presentable into total disasters (and learned about "revert" in the process.) Saturation, brightness, contrast, tint, temperature, and sharpness no longer seem scary.

Cropping is now my friend.

And I've learned to embrace blackness in order to make my subjects "pop".

Hardy Geraniums
As for my subjects themselves, I've looked at them up close and from afar. They've been posed, candid, still, and in flight. I've looked at fur, feathers, teeth and tongues, ears and eyes. Together or apart, with props and without, indoors and out - they've tolerated me and my little silver box in exchange for more cookies than any two dogs should get.

The daily shoot has covered high-contrast and low-contrast, high-key and low-key, up high and down low, stripes and lines and circles, and shadows (way too many shadows) plus concrete, technology, time, and many dozens other topics not listed above.

Did I think I could actually keep up with the Daily Shoot this long when I started? No.

Did I think I could actually manage to find a way to get a dog in this many assignments? No.

What seemed like a limitation when I first started (one or more dogs per shot) has actually been liberating. Freed from having to pick a subject, I could focus on the theme or effect as required.

Speaking of themes and effects - today's Daily Shoot assignment was:

Make a black and white photograph today.

And as soon as I read it, I know what I was going to be taking a picture of: a dog. :)

Where am I going with all this? For better or worse, no where in particular. I certainly have no intention of quitting - I'm having even more fun now than when I started. The dogs love it. Some days they are trying, most days they are wonderful. I've learned that despite their initial outward similarities they are very different both inside and out. I've seen how they each have strengths and weaknesses, good sides and bad, and talents big and small.

Sue's Training Levels book is due out soon, and I will be faced with choices. I don't think I can go back to "just training" with the same enthusiasm I had in the past when I created 80+ videos (you can find them on YouTube, sadly silent these past 4 months) mostly with Beau and Zachary - but hopefully I'll be able to add a bit more balance into my boys' lives.


All recess and no school can't be good, can it?

Oh, and FWIW: The picture at the top started life as this...

Henry in Color

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love the photo in both color and black and white! I agree, the Daily Shoot is highly addictive and I like the challenge of working on it. Nobody ever got better at anything without trying to do it! Some days I like the results better than others, and that's okay! You can't love every assignment. I always look forward to seeing what you've shot for the day!

  2. Congrats on your achievements! The B/W picture is very nice & so are the flower pictures.

  3. On top of your personal growth as a photographer, you also have this incredible record of pictures to share and to keep. This is an amazing project.

  4. I love all of your photos... your commitment to doing the Daily Shoot assignments is awesome. :)

  5. Your photos are perfect~ You encourage me to keep on trying.
    Have a wonderful evening!

  6. I think you are doing amazing work. It just goes to show you that it isn't the camera that takes the pictures, it's the people behind it (or in my case, the nut behind the wheel).

    I'm really proud of you for hanging in there like this. At the very least, look at the wonderful photos you have of your boys. You will will cherish those forever.

    I can see your growth. Rock on. :o)))
