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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Missing Skills

Bird Watching

Dog Blog Post #313: Ok, for the record, I did not do anything to make Henry look so sad for yesterday's Wordless Wednesday shots! :)

I think it's a combination of the camera angle (dead on) and the fact he was looking up at a cookie but keeping his chin down!

Trust me, no puppies were harmed and cookies were flowing free and easy. :)

On to the Daily Shoot assignment:

Make a photograph with a concrete surface in it today.

... and my "great idea" (see above) which turned out to be rather ho-hum due to all the Missing Skills of the Day.

My word, I don't think a single thing went right!
  • While trying to leash up Zachary, he just wouldn't stand still.
  • While trying to leash up Zachary, Henry was jumping all over everywhere.
  • While trying to get out the door, Henry kept trying to come with us.
  • After putting Henry behind a baby gate, to keep him from trying to come with us, he barked the entire time I was outside.
  • While I was outside (with Zachary), daddy came home, and Zachary instantly forgot I existed and his brain totally checked out until daddy went inside the house.
  • Once daddy was gone, grass sniffing stated.
And Zachary is supposed to be the good one!


Oh well, more things to work on... more things to train.

(Speaking of training, I hear Sue's new Training Level's book is due out in May. I can hardly wait, as I haven't had anything to write about on that front in ages!)

On the bright side, I walked them by myself this evening, and while hardly perfect, they were the best they've ever been. (Probably trying to get back on my good side.)

Let's see - here's yesterday's Daily Shoot: Illustrate the word choice in a photograph today.

ds527 - Choice

... A bird in the paw vs. two in the "bush".

Oh - and I didn't mean to suggest the (missing) trick of the week is anything special, because it isn't. It's just cute, and unfinished.

And finally, how about a few shots of the first Bearded Iris of the season?

Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. If it makes you feel better, I've had those days, too. A shot that should be so simple turns out to be a painful ordeal!

    I really loved your choice shot for yesterday's assignment! We're leaving right after work today for our trip, so I'm not sure if I'll get a black and white shot or not. I'm going to try to!

  2. I think we've all had those days. . . I had one at class the other day if you caught the what to do if I'M not in the game post.LOL

    On the walking front-that is awesome!!!! that you walked them together! This is stilla work in progress for my two. I made a leather leash splitter that works great, but Maizey's reactivity makes it a challenge so they still don't get to to go together too often. But it sounds as if you are racking up the miles so thats awesome!

    As for sue's book-I"M ready! Past ready, my levels work has stalled and I am supplementing with classes, but TL's is still my favorite way to train.:) Plus I miss learning from your training posts. They are always some of my favorites!

  3. I love all the photos in this post. The bird in the paw one is special - what an amazingly well-trained dog!

    The irises are spectacular.

  4. That iris is gorgeous. We don't see you stray from doggie pics very often (which is a good thing because those doggies are beautiful).
