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Friday, April 15, 2011



Dog Blog Post #301:The Daily Shoot for today...

Illustrate something technological in a photograph today.

Hmm... wasn't quite sure what I wanted at first. I've done the iPod...

Plugged In

... the computer...

ds482 - Technology (7/52)

... the camera...

ds450 - Say Cheese

... and the TV...

ds444 - Newsworthy

I don't own a smart phone or iPad - so now what?

I considered the remaining options - a "normal" phone, a game controller, a channel switcher...

... and somewhere in all that thinking a picture popped into my head of the dogs looking all sad and lonely, nosing a Lacrosse ball to try to entice me, wishing I would step away from the electronics and play them.

(Actually, the "picture" was outside my head, right before my eyes.)

Yeah, I felt like a total heel. They ask so little, and sometimes it's seems hard to even give them even that.


It did give me an idea. The results with Henry are at the top of the post and the blurb I put in flickr reads:

When asked what his favorite toy was, Henry didn't even have to think about it.

It seems there are still a few places where technology does NOT reign supreme, and fun is measured by how far you can toss a $2 Lacrosse ball.

... and now I'm off to throw it! :)

And I did - and now I'm going to go play some more. :)

(Obligatory (non-dog) Scavenge Challenge shot - April 2011 #3 - "Shoot low-key! - subject of your choice")

Low Key?

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Love the Ipod picture. Very cool :)

  2. How did you get the boys in that pose in front of the TV? Something eye-catching on top of it?

    Love all the photos but I'm mystified by what the object is in the scavenger one:)

    I didn't get a chance to take a technological photo today, was away from home all daylight hours. Love your take on it.

  3. Wonderful photos. I loved the way you used it to remind us what's really important in a world filled with clutter.

    Oh, and the ball, it never needs batteries and won't become obsolete with new technology. It's the best invention ever!

  4. Your dogs are lovely, and I always enjoy your photos. Have a great weekend!!

  5. Woof! Woof! Interesting how we have the same TV remote, camera and MAC - Golden Happy to know you are Mac users. Techono Tools can be overburdening ... Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  6. Since I am a solid Mac fan through and through, that image totally rocks. You should send the iPod and laptop to Apple, they are perfect.

    These are all too cool.

  7. I love the picture at the top... I think Henry demonstrates how we all feel about having being surrounded by technology sometimes!

  8. That picture of the two boys staring at the TV screen is fantastic!

  9. I love them all! At first I thought the iPod one was fantastic, and then I saw the laptop shot and loved it, and then when I scrolled down and saw the TV... Wow!

  10. I love all of them! It makes me nervous that this assignment is going to keep popping up, though!

  11. What tech-savvy dogs you have. It's a good thing they balance their tech time with some ball play!

  12. Hi Y'all,

    Sometimes I hear my Humans say that things seem so hectic with all the technology that they almost wish for the simpler times of their youth.

    Guess for you Humans technology is important, but for us pawed ones...except for a car ride...we could care less.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  13. They are all great, but the ipod really cracked me up!! Great photos, as always!

  14. This is a great post! It is far too easy to get caught up in the tech side of our lives. We often look at Gus and wish our lives were that simple...and that our entertainment cost $5 instead of hundreds!

    Happy weekend!
