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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Angelic Boys

Angelic Zachary

Dog Blog Post #341: Glad folks enjoyed yesterday's Wordless Wednesday - Don't Panic "towel" shots. As mentioned over the weekend, those were taken on "the set" using Baby. While focus wasn't perfect, it was much better than the first time, and I think we all had a much better time.

I still was feeling cramped, however, as the arrangement of the set was too confining to back up the distance I think I need to have the focal length that I think want. (No, I don't know what I'm doing. How can you tell?)

So today, when I set "the set" up again, I pushed it one more ex-pen panel (2 feet?) further from my primary light source (ie: the dinning room window) and tilted it more toward the center of the room, effectively giving me about four more feet to back up.

Given the odd nature of the Daily Shoot assignment...

Make a high-key photograph today.

... and the fact Baby has a "High-Key" scene mode (who'd a thunk it!) it actually worked out pretty well.


That said, I don't think I'll normally be able to get away with it, as the backdrop was significantly darker than I think would work under any other circumstance.

My favorite shot was the one at the very top, but I tweeted the one below...

Angelic Henry

... as I felt it was probably of more general interest that "just another portrait shot of my dog". Here are a few more...

Henry and Friend

Sleepy Zachary

These were all pretty much straight out of the camera, other than a bit of sharpening to add a little "oomph" to their fur. I'm loving some of these scene modes, although I wish there was a list somewhere detailing how the camera was being set up for each one.

What I need to do is set up a still life, and go through them all to see what happens with each!

Editor's Note: Nope, no makeup on the dog's eyes yesterday. Heck, I don't even wear makeup!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. The top photo of Zachary especially looks like a pastel painting to me:) I don't know if that's good or bad or anything, but they are all lovely. I just want to give them both a cuddle:)

  2. The first one reminded me of the old style family photographs you just don't see anymore. It is beautiful. The rest just kept getting cuter by the picture.

  3. OH beautiful! They definitely look very angelic in these pictures. I absolutely love white backgrounds. This background really brought out that natural, rich, gold tone on Zach's coat. Just lovely! And I love the 2nd picture of Henry & that teddy bear. That one is too precious. That one should be framed up!

  4. angelic is an understatement!


  5. You did a lot better on this assignment than I did! I didn't even have time to get the camera out today to shoot pictures. I had a great idea in mind, but no time to go take it. I will be so glad when Saturday is over and all the people who've invited themselves over to my house are gone! lol

  6. Holy smokes! You must be very proud of that first photo, it's gorgeous.

    But then, they all look great. Where has Baby been all of your life? You two were meant for each other.
