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Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Temptations

ds535 - Layers

Dog Blog Post #320: Glad folks enjoyed yesterday's Wordless Wednesday Froggy Face shots! For the curious, yes, it was peanut butter - a payoff for good behavior on that day's Daily Shoot Assignment (Make a photograph of two complementary objects)...

Complementary Objects

... both Zachary (pictured) and Henry (definitely NOT pictured) each received a spoonful of yummy goodness (as the sandwich was mine) and since I had my camera on hand I just started snapping. Since Henry didn't move his body much, and I took lots of shots, I ended up with a few that could be put together in a series.

(No, my little point-n-shoot is most definitely NOT fast enough to have captured those in "real time"!)

Note that the picture at the top of this post has nothing to do with that shoot, but was today's Daily Shoot assignment:

Make a photograph that is composed of several layers today.

... but after deciding yesterday that there was no way Henry could do it (and not even trying him out) I was feeling rather guilty, so I decided to give it go today.

Want to see how it went? Well, you're in luck! As has been requested of me several times, here's a Behind the Scenes, totally unedited, view of how the shoot went:

... note that as this was most definitely NOT a training video and NOT a testing video, and I did NOT have a backup set of "props" in case these were... well... misplaced. Therefore, you will hear liberal reminders from me to the boys to mind their manners!

I'm pretty sure Henry has never had anything that fantastic set before him, and you can see his brain totally vanish for the first few seconds as he contemplates his good fortune. That's the...

Me: "Henry - down... down... down..."

Henry: "Cheeeeeeeesyburger!!!!!"

.. part.  :)

(Yes Wendy, I know I'm not supposed to chant, but I did NOT have time to go out and get two more Ultimate Cheeseburgers from Jack-in-the-Box. Besides, do you know how many calories are in those things? One each is bad enough!)

And finally, the (dog) Scavenger Challenge item "Bristles - animal, vegetable or mineral...or even plastic."


Is that bristly enough?

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Hey, I count it a win if the food doesn't get devoured by the dogs, no matter how many reminders you need to give them

  2. HOLY DOG those cheeeeeeeesyburgers looked incredibly delicious! Zach really wolfed down his burger really fast. BOL! Hoomie Melissa tends to "chant" sometimes too. You're not the only one.

  3. wowzers!!! Those look so yummy!!! I can't believe you stayed so still!! I bet they were worth it though!!

    Puppy Kisses,

  4. Oh, I love that picture even more now! That totally could have been one awesome Wordless Wednesday. I could have taken that shot with the Greyhounds, but if Morgan was in the vicinity, forget about it!

  5. Archie very much wants to come live at Zachary's house. I'll get him a bus ticket tomorrow ;)

  6. Loved the video!! So cute and funny. They both have a look of, "can you believe she is doing this to us??" Oh that was too funny. Thanks for showing us the making. Now can we come to your house for dinner??
