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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


That's My Ear

Dog Blog Post #339: Ok, so at least I'm not alone in the quest for pictures with lovely eyes, nor in thinking it less than easy to take them. After reading folks comments, I went back through my stack of ripped-off pages from my 365 Days of golden retrievers calendar, and I didn't find a single clear-eyed picture amongst them.

There were running goldens, and swimming goldens, and leaping goldens, and adorable puppy goldens surrounded by flowers, and all had the same black-hole eyes that I get.

So I guess I shouldn't feel so bad, as (a) some professional somewhere can't do any better and (b) until that very moment, I had never noticed the black-hole eyes and always thought the dogs to be very cute (and still do!)

This means I am (once again) obsession over nothing.

That said, I'm still going to keep trying, since I know it can be done. I'm just not going to beat myself up about it when I fail. :)

Speaking of failing, the Daily Shoot today was quite disappointing. As houndstooth aptly pointed out, why couldn't this have been yesterday?

Make a photograph of a vista today.

I don't know about you, but I have a ton more time for this sort of foolishness on weekends!

Anyway, my plan was to create an "insurance" picture at lunch of the longest stretch of yard that didn't require a machete to get to...

Garden Vista

.. and then grab a dog and head out after dinner to find something more inspiring. Of course, after I took my insurance shots, I tossed the Lacrosse Ball for the guys and snapped a few more pictures.

Alas, despite spending all my idle CPU time mulling over possible vistas within my time/dog limitations, I came up empty. Back at the computer, digging through what I took, I stumbled across my "fetch" pictures and rather liked them.

And so it is, that my "vista", which a prior Daily Shoot had defined as a "beautiful view", became one of those very same shot. If you look closely, you'll see that while Zachary has the ball, Henry has Zachary - by the ear!

(Thankfully, no ears were hurt in the making of any photographs!)

And finally, a few pictures of some Irises. I have no idea what kind, other than "pretty". :)



(Yes, Baby can do black backgrounds, too!)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. HMMM I just noticed how lovely your garden is! Where does that walkway lead to?

  2. The ear shot was incredible. I love the way you catch those moments.

  3. You have an absolutely beautiful garden! You need to take us on a photo tour sometime.

    I have to laugh at that first picture of the boys! What a shot! They must keep you entertained all the time. I like your vista shot, too! I'm still annoyed at the timing of that assignment. I mean, really, I could have gone to so many places and got wonderful vistas, but Mondays are so busy for us with work and teaching class! Gah! I'm getting close to summer break, and I'm hoping there will be some interesting ones then.

  4. Your boys are AADORABLE romping together! Love the picture.
