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Thursday, June 30, 2011



Dog Blog Post #369: Many thanks for all the warm welcome backs! I promise to start making the rounds again soon - Soooooo far behind on everything, it's practically hopeless.

Daily Shoot for today:

Illustrate choice in a photograph today. Be obvious or subtle. Your, ahem, choice.

Guess Zachary's Choice won't come as much of a shock to anyone...

Choice (the answer)

And here's a few other pictures thrown in to spice up an otherwise short post...

Water Droplets


... and I thought I was behind before!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Great shot. I am amazed he had the patience to let you take the shot. The cookie would have been gone if we had tried.

  2. LOVE it! If I had to make a choice between food & my most beloved tennis ball, I'll go for the food HANDS DOWN!

  3. I love the water droplets. Water on plants always seems so cool for some reason.

  4. Your choice pictures were much better than mine! I'm still stewing over what to do about today's assignment. Deadlines? Sheesh!

  5. Cookies would be the easy choice here.

    And those water drops... they are fabulous.

  6. Oh the discipline to leave that cookie there; question is for how long lol. Wow your garden photographs have amazing shades of green and great depth of field. VERY inspiring. I haven't held my camera in a week, MUST get back at it!!

  7. Oh Zachary - I ♥ you! You are just the single sweetest thing ever. I love your ability to hold off on that cookie. You are a good dog!

  8. That looked like quite a dilemma, but I had a feeling the snack would win out. It always does around here. :)

  9. I think the treat would win here too, more energy for playing with the ball with something in the tummy:)
