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Monday, June 6, 2011

A Good Chew

A Good Chew

Dog Blog Post #352: As I said in the comments on flickr...

Yes, folks. Another "tongue" shot.

But the Daily Shoot assignment was...

Make a photograph from an unusual point of view.

... and the ground was too icky outside after the recent (and continuing) showers for two freshly groomed goldens.

So there I was, lying on my tummy, camera on the floor, with my $800 lens mere inches from the boys.

(No, that probably wasn't the wisest thing in the world...)

Here are few other shots, taken in a similar fashion...

A Good Chew


Glad folks like the high-key shots. I'm sure there's a way to do it if you don't have a "high key" scene mode but I don't know what is. One of my (few) gripes is that I can't seem to find a technical description of what each scene mode does. Yes, I can figure out that "Sunset Mode" is good for sunsets, but what's going on behind the scenes to make it so? Would a list of the applied camera settings be too hard to produce?

I did pick up a new book today - "Nikon d7000 for Dummies". I've already learned a few things and I'm only on page 45, so I have great hopes for the book. Alas, the index doesn't suggest that details about scene modes will be forthcoming.

Finally, a Scavenge Challenge ("Rule of Thirds" in Black and White) and Our Daily Challenge (Inspirational) picture...

Lone Oak

My Inspirational quote?

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -- Wayne Gretzky (a hockey player)

In this case, this shot was a "throw away" shot that I took while trying to get a good Landscape picture (also for the Scavenge Challenge). While it looks terrible in color, I rather like what happened when I turned it B&W. :)

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  1. Well, IMO I definitely think you nailed the odd angle with the first one and I love the black and white. Looks beautiful!

  2. I'm a little nervous about the rule of thirds shot. I'm afraid I don't have the technical knowledge down enough not to get dinged on that one. I really like yours, and I think the black and white aspect of it really adds something to it!

    I love your unusual perspective shots! My favorite is the second shot, but I can't say exactly why.

  3. Hee hee on the quote! Those are surely unusual views - that first is amazing! (Well... they all are, and we love the landscape photo too!
    Sammie and Avalon

  4. It was funny I was thinking of your blog when DH handed me the camera and said take some shots while I work with Bailey. My reaction was horror. Afterwards he started asking why didn't you do... I responded he was lucky I figured out how to take anything. Your shots are so inspiring and amazing.

    We had a professional photograph taken of the dogs this weekend at the Whisker Walk event and I could immediatly see the difference in the "look" of the dogs. I had never seen anything like that in any of the pictures we have tried of the two of them.

    You have an amazing record to treasure.

  5. The black and white inspirational shot is really nice. :)

  6. I think I need to get that for Dummies book... I still have so much to learn on my D7000!

  7. Do you have a program that gives you your meta data, ISO, shutter speed and aperture and white balance?

    Take the same image with each setting and compare the meta data to each one of the settings. You'll learn a ton and if you can, use your tripod.

    Your camera manual and that book will be great resources, but trial and error will also be your best friend.

  8. I love the paw pic... paws are so cool.

  9. I love the toenails, Beryl's are like talons and probably always will be. The B/W photo is gorgeous. I never think of trying it.
