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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

On Order

Dog Blog Post #367: Bits ordered. Should be able to pick them up and be up and running in...

... a week.

A looooooooong week (ie: might be a few more than 7 days)

(twiddle twiddle twiddle)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! Sorry to hear about your computer ... we assume that you have a MAC. Can't believe the Genius Bar was not able to help you out. Nothing major happened to our machine but we are depending on our Time Machine (just in case). My mom biggest worry is her photos (my photos). A week ... that's a long time to be out of computer. Missing your photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. So sorry! Hope you're back up and running soon...

  3. *twiddles fingers along with her* Gah! And did you see the Daily Shoot assignment today?! It was perfect for you! Perfect I say!

  4. Wow, a week. Bet you are just bonding with your camera, huh?

  5. Oh dear, I've got a Mac too and I dread anything going wrong with it and having to be without it and maybe losing lots of photos. Although mine are on Picasa too but I don't know if they're all there. I don't even know what the Genius Bar is or the Time Machine! Maybe I'd better do some research while I haven't got your photos to admire:)

  6. I hope you get back online soon. I've awarded you the Versatile Blogger award, details here

  7. I would be devastated if my MAC went down--it's 5-years old now. Fortunately I periodically back up to two places so hopefully all will be saved....

    See you soon!

  8. Awwww. We are missing you! Hope everything works out well.

  9. I hope those things will arrive soon!

  10. Ach! What a shame! well...enjoy your extra computer deprived leisure time??
