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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Out of Order

Dog Blog Post #365:

Hard disk crashed.

Mind, screen blank.

Let's hope the Genius Bar lives up to their name....

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Sending positive vibes your way. Good luck.

  2. I am so, so sorry! That is beyond frustrating! Here's hoping you're back in business soon. I'm glad it's just that, though. I was worried about you, especially when I saw you hadn't posted to the Daily Shoot yesterday!

  3. Ugg! I'm so sorry! I had 'puter problems a couple of weeks ago and the Genius Bar at my Apple store spent over an hour helping me fix it-for free! Here's hoping you get all the help you need!

  4. Oh no! Hope you're back up and running soon!

    Also, I just gave you an award on my blog... if you're interested you can check it out (when you're no longer having technical difficulties) at: http://istillwantmorepuppies.blogspot.com/2011/06/too-many-awesome-pet-blogs-too-little.html

  5. Ugh, one of my worst nightmares.

    Sending white healing light your way for the hard drive.

  6. OH NO!!! I'm so sorry about that! Hang in there. I hope you're back up and running again soon.
