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Thursday, June 9, 2011



Dog Blog Post #355: The Daily Shoot for today was...

Illustrate time in a photograph today

... and I drew a complete blank. Lacking any better ideas, I went out back and played fetch with Zachary while Henry milled about smartly, stole the ball occasionally, and was (as usual) a pest!

I figured I'd play with shutter speed while I was out there, setting the camera to shutter priority and dialing it down as low as I thought I could hold it (1/30 from what I've read) and see if I could get "artistic blur".

Well, I got half-way there. I got blur...

How long does it take...

... but hardly artistic.


Then I tried just getting a wagging dog tail. How hard could that be. I mean, I have a picture of a dog in front of 32 cookies and another of him wearing a foil hat. Should be easy right?

I didn't even both to upload that one. (Arg!)


I finally (after taking a break) landed on the idea of the our shooting "schedule" - the list that keeps track of what assignments are due when for the ODC (Out Daily Challenge) and DS (Daily Shoot) flickr groups. I tweeted the one up top, but here are a few more...



The picture above was the one I had planned on tweeting, but I just couldn't resist the expression Zachary gave me in the photo up top (and for once, I went with what my heart told me!)

And now for a few things completely (and non-dog related) different...


Say Cheese!

(If you're curious what assignments they were for, you can click on them and see the assignment descriptions on flickr.)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Ooooooo! That's a brilliant idea for the picture of your camera! I love it! I am cured of ever thinking about drinking coffee now, too! :P

    I think your schedule picture is a really cute idea! I wanted to try to get one of a dog watching our cuckoo clock, but you'd have thought I'd poured acid on the kitchen floor!

    I really like that ODC group! I just have to psych myself to jump in.

  2. I might have to find out what groups you belong too - it might be good to get some practice in on the camera. I've been getting a little rusty!


  3. I love the last 2 pictures! What is that glittery thing in the 2nd last picture?

  4. Planning out the week? Seems like he has some specific ideas about the schedule.

  5. Time?! What a difficult concept to capture! I like the schedule idea though...Seems like I can never intentionally capture a nice blurred tail, only by accident when I want a nice shot!

  6. I love the first one, his expression is priceless.

    Your groups are so fun, one of these days I'll jump in.
