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Friday, June 17, 2011

Sniffing out Shadows

Sniffing out a Shadow

Dog Blog Post #364: Ah yes... the shadow assignments. Ya'll know how much I loath love those Daily Shoot shadow assignments...

Make a photograph that features a shadow as your subject today.

Today wasn't too bad, as I got a very late start, only to realize (Do'h!) that shadows are more fun in the late afternoon...

Or maybe it's just the lighting is more fun...

The colors are more fun?

Certainly the dogs were more fun, as we're a good 10F cooler than we have been!

Up top was my favorite - that's Zachary sniffing for... for... I haven't a clue. He was just sniffing.

Below is Henry looking hot (I said cooler, not cold!) and Zachary lurking over his shoulder, licking his lips, wishing he had the lovely ball...


... and then the ubiquitous orange Lacrosse ball taking center stage. See anything in the upper left corner?


And then we have a "just because" shot of Henry being a pest...

My Ball!

And finally (yes, finally, it's Frantic Friday, remember?) we have some sort of cactus. I'm consider using it for "Opposites" (spines vs. soft flowers) but also wishing I had seen it about 10 minutes earlier as I'm sure it was beautifully backlit then. I might have to go back and try again tomorrow. But I do love the background... decisions, decisions...


© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Ugh! Due to unforeseen circumstances, I still haven't taken my shadow shots yet. Tomorrow morning! I love your shadows, though! I sure hope we have an easy assignment for tomorrow.

    I LOVE that cactus shot! It's beautiful even if it's not backlit!

  2. Love that first shadow photo! And the cactus photo is gorgeous!

  3. Yes the cactus is gorgeous, so many different stages of growth in the flowers. Makes it very interesting.

  4. Wow, you people who know how to take great photos are going to force me to get better at it. happy Hopping!

  5. Great job Zach and Henry! I love to pose for Mommy's camera too! You guys are so patient!!

    Puppy Kisses,

  6. Good thing I never started the Daily Shoot--no shadows here today, just rain......

    the Lacrosse ball looks very inviting--I bet it didn't stay there very long!

  7. Woof! Woof! My mom tried many shadow photos but not as good as yours. She is thinking its time to get a new camera. Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. The cactus is beautiful. Hmmm, we don't have any of those up here.
