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Monday, July 4, 2011

Big and Small

Big and Small

Dog Blog Post #373: Still melting over here. In fact, we'll probably be melting for months (sigh).

It's too hot to go outside.

It's too hot to turn the lights on inside (don't want to add any extra heat to the house, the air-conditioner is already working overtime.)

It's too hot to open all but the one north-facing blind to let light in (see above.)

... and so, well, I can see that it's going to be "interesting" to get the Daily Shoot assignments for the next few months. Speaking of which, here's todays...

Play with contrasting scale today: juxtapose something small with something big!

My first thought was the following...

Big and Small

... of which Zachary (above) looked the least wilted. I then decided that standing outside in triple-digit heat was ridiculous, and so took the party inside (much to Henry's relief.)

I set up the uncovered (and therefore slightly light-reflective) tri-fold backboard as close to the window as I could get it and switched the camera to "Hi-Key" mode in hopes that would make the raw backboard look... better. Some bowls, some cookies, a bit of luck, and I got the picture up top.

I just love the way Henry is looking soooooo suspiciously at his bowl! You just never know when you go for a "posed" shot. No matter how much work I put into a setup, if the boys don't give me anything, it's not going to come out.

Here, a very simple setup is worked (in my opinion, of course) all because Henry decided to glance down at his cookie and I managed to capture it.

(Equipment note: While I found a compact point-n-shoot works just fine in most cases, this would not have been one of them. It was over in an instant, and that camera just isn't fast enough.)

After I took that shot, I realized I should have had big and small cookies, too. And I took a few more that way, but I never got expressions even close to the above, so small cookies it was.

(Editor's Note: As the question came up, Weekly Worksheets were a staple on my other blog, bzdog.blogspot.com, for over a year, until an unrelated confluence of circumstances ground their uploading to a halt. However, all the new software on the new drive has inspired me to give it a go again. Will I be return to faithful posting? We'll see. We'll see...)

The non-dog picture of the day? How about "natural light in the evening" (aka "more fun with a mist bottle")...


And for those who doubt how hot it is...

T is for Thermometer

... and that was in the shade!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Woof! Woof! Great you captured a Golden expression ... Love it. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Pretty pictures! It's too hot here for outside shots too. I've been trying to figure out how to get a nice 4th of July picture, but I think it is going to have to be inside!


  3. I was about to say the same thing as Sam said. Pretty pictures!! Sorry that it has been too hot for you guys to even go outside. It's the same over here & we have this kind of weather throughout the year! It's horrendous.

  4. I still love that picture of them with the bowls! Just too stinking cute! You definitely win yesterday's shoot!

    I know what I want to try to do with today's shot, I just can't get motivated to go set it up. I am really hoping it works!

  5. Isn't wonderful when you can just capture some magic? Glad you weren't using your point and shoot. You got a wonderful look.

  6. I just love how handsome your pups are. You photograph them so beautifully. (PS - looking forward to the possible resurgence of the Weekly Worksheet. We had just discovered your blog a few weeks before it's demise and we were playing along!)

  7. I love your water drop shot. You can keep your heat, we made it to a whopping 80° today and Henry as always is gorgeous.

  8. The water droplets look so cooling, but I think it would take more than looking at that photo to cool you down in 100 degree heat! Zachary looks pretty cool though:) Love the top shot. Yay for DSLR's ... except I haven't got one, lol.
