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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day

Independence Day

Dog Blog Post #374: The combination of 4th of July and the Daily Shoot assignment of:

Make a photo with a strong linear composition today.

... made the above and below pictures obvious choices.

I wish I had more lighting, but (again) it was too hot to either go outside or turn on lights inside.

This is the basic backboard, draped in the flag, and a few holiday appropriate bandanas to complete the look. Henry is staring longingly at the cookie held in my outstretched out. My hand could be outstretched because the camera was on the tripod. The camera was on the tripod, so I could drop the shutter speed down to 1/30. By dropping the shutter speed, I was able to squeeze every last bit of light out of my otherwise dreary room.

Independence Day

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Hi Y'all,

    Hope y'all had a great, great weekend. Love the photos.

    I've never had the patience to set up a shot. I'd be a horrible photographer. I just snap a picture of anything that catches my eye.

    Y'all come by now,
    BrownDog's Human

  2. Great shots. I love the holiday looks.

  3. I think these may be some of your best portraits of the boys, although I think you've had some other fabulous ones, too! You definitely chose perfectly for yesterday's assignment!

    *sigh* Repeating patterns again? I have three different ideas that I might try, but I lack the motivation to go outside and shoot them!

  4. In the top photo, Henry looks very nearly presidential. Are you telling me cookies were involved in all those portraits at the Smithsonian?

  5. That is an awesome photo!


  6. Beautiful pictures! LOVE their bandannas. Did they have a bath today?

  7. Beautiful shots!

    we hope you had a great 4th of july!

  8. Aw, these are perfectly patriotic!
