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Friday, July 29, 2011

More Hats

Engineer Zachary

Dog Blog Post #399: Frantic Friday...

Today's Daily Shoot assignment...

We all have some sort of hobby or favorite activity. Make a photo that shows something you enjoy doing.

Gee. Hmmm. Let me see...

Yeah, like anyone wonders what I'm going to take a picture of.

Brand new hat - a Target clearance item, $6.99. There were probably a dozen other patterns of the exact same hat selling for $9.99, so I'm guessing that folks don't want to look like Train Engineers?

They're loss, my gain!

Up top is Zachary, who doesn't mind hats one bit.

Below is Henry, who didn't remove the hat, so I'm counting it a success!

Engineer Henry

... note that there was no way this hat was going to actually going to fit their heads and it had no strap, so I just folded the back end under and balanced it on top. I thinking the "balancing" part was why Henry held his muzzle up so high.

Here's Henry looking quite solemn, sans hat. He seems to be taking this "Big Boy Now" stuff a bit too much to heart!

Engineer Henry

How about a view of a happier (albeit wetter!) Henry, right before he rubbed up against my leg (like a cat) then squeegeed between my legs to get a ball...

Wet Dog

And finally, one more of the itty bitty shiny blue hat...

A Hat for Henry

Ok. I admit it. I laugh every time I see it!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love these pictures and oh such charming models you have.


  2. Such a photogenic pup..love the hats!

  3. The red bandana is perfect with the hat.

    But the wet dog look, now that is a keeper.

  4. I think Henry had it planned in advance what he was going to do:) Both boys look very happy to be wearing their train engineers hats.

  5. That was a perfect hat for Zachery! I can just hear the train whistle blowing. Sage is with Henry--no hats for her!!

  6. Love the very first picture. That green backdrop works beautifully with your coloring!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  7. So sweet. Henry, you are going to make such a great lil model.

    Gosh, wet Henry is sure happy!

  8. Bunny thinks the boys are going to need their own wardrobe like she has soon! That hat is great on them, and looks so cute! You should look for a miniature train set somewhere and set it up around them sometime. I bet the shot would be unbelievably adorable!

    I still love that blue hat shot! Henry is becoming a very patient boy!

  9. Jumping over from the blog hop. What beautiful photos. I'm excited to be your new follower.

  10. This whole set is just fantastic!
