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Friday, July 1, 2011



Dog Blog Post #371: Frantic Friday. So frantic, that I didn't get around to taking my Daily Shoot picture...

Make a photograph today that features the sky.

... until the sun was too far gone in the backyard to have any hope of getting a shot there. So I called Henry up onto the couch in the house and posed him in front of the window, resulting in a rather dreary Henry, and totally blown out (white) sky.

Into Aperture, I went, and pushed and pulled and dragged and slid and somehow ended up with the shot above.

Other than Step One (converting to Cyanotype) I have absolutely no idea what I did to it, nor could I do it again if I wanted to. But I managed to turn the sky sort-of-blue, and that was good enough for me!

On other (Daily Shoot) notes, I have been slowly uploading the Daily Shoot pictures I was taking while the hard disk was being reincarnated. While I don't have anything for 6/19 ("List") I think I have might have just about everything else.

For starters, here's 6/20: Illustrate heat in one of its many forms in a photograph today.

With Henry looking really hot (because it was really hot) and the poor weed looking even hotter...


© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. You know how hot pavement can get that hazy look over it? That is what this photo of Henry reminds me of. Great work - as always!!

  2. I love the first one! So cool and soothing. Even if you can't do it again. BOL!!!

  3. I don't understand the mechanics of it, but I really like the outcome.

  4. That looks really cool! There have been a few pictures I'd like to have tried a similar effect with, but I'm lousy with Photoshop. It's a neat take on the assignment!

    It's so hot here, I feel just like those weeds!

    Feature a plant? Yeah, we've got those, but who wants to go outside to pose by them?

  5. Hey there, Im new to this Blog Hop thing, but Im lovin it already. I love your Blog!

    View My new Blog about my New Chihuahua Puppy and her race in the Cutest Pups of July Contest at http://divalavega.blogspot.com

    Remember to Vote for DIVA at www.cutepuppypicture.com!!

  6. Welcome back! I love that photo of Henry. Very interesting and different. Happy Saturday to you!

  7. Happy Saturday Blog Hop to you!

  8. You'll love Aperture, even more when you start shooting in raw.

    In Lightroom, there is a history of all of the steps you took, look around, I bet it is in Aperture as well.

    Henry always did look good in blue.

  9. Very cool... I need to learn to use some of these tools...

  10. The top photo almost looks like you've superimposed Henry onto the background. Interesting effect:) I'll bet the weed sprang back into life as soon as the sun went down!
