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Monday, July 11, 2011

Top Hat

Top Hat

Dog Blog Post #380: Actually, today's Daily Shoot assignment had nothing to do with top hats. Today's assignment was...

Make a photo that features stripes of some sort today.

But I was feeling a bit frumpy after seeing greygirl25's Red Hat Society girls, and then Miss Bunny posted her prim and proper portrait by the lake (and me just a whisker shy of putting up Henry's Wet Dog picture from yesterday) and so when I found myself with a rare few moments of "mommy time" today, I set out to see what props I could find to gussy up the boys...

... on the cheap...

... at the local big-box party store.

They didn't disappoint.

There, near the back, on isle 113 (at least that's the way it felt) I found the lovely black Top Hat pictured above, and an equally lovely one in Sapphire Blue, each for the stunning low price of $4.99.

Really, how could I resist?

Sadly, despite trolling each and every isle, I failed to find any neckwear to match. No worries, a stop at the local fabric store turned up a few striped Fat Quarters that did the trick.

Here's Henry's versions...



The observant amongst you may note two things.

(1) There is no Sapphire Blue Top Hat on Henry's fair head. There was no way, no how, that the Terrible Top Hat was going to get anywhere the Precious Puppies Head (making Canine Photography 101 all the more necessary!) and...

(2) The noise level in all these photos is stunningly high. There is just no way I can get good (clean and clear) posed pictures this time of year in the house due to the heat, which while actually fairly nice outside today - in the shade - was still too hot to risk opening blinds or turning on much extra wattage.

BTW: for those that like behind-the-scenes stuff - here's a peek at the "the make of" the Top Hat shot...

While Zachary didn't mind wearing the hat, he didn't seem able to hold his head up and still balance it on his head (it has no string/strap). A stool (and judicious cropping) provided an easy solution. :)

And lastly, the Official Return of the Weekly Worksheet, which technically resides on my other blog...

(As always, click to see larger)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. The top hat is pretty darn adorable. Looking forward to the day Henry lets you put a hat on him!

  2. Oh, hands down you win this one! I kept watching to see what you'd do with the stripe assignment and you did not disappoint! I have to go back to Flickr now and look for them, since I didn't see them this morning. I think Henry's would have looked better without the hat anyway, truth be told, because the color of the scarf matches the background so nicely. I think the hat would have been too busy. When I think of Henry and a hat, I think of one of those little beanies with the propeller on top! :P Did you go to Party City? That's where I got that parasol for very cheap, too!

  3. I wove both shots. Zach looks so dapper and Henry looks cute!!

    Puppy Kisses,

  4. Such a gentleman!

    Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack

  5. How did you know the hat was going to fit Zachary? It looks like a great buy for $4.99. Lovely photo, he looks quite Gene Kellyish ... am I showing my age too much here?

    I can understand Henry's reluctance to wear a top hat, it would be pretty hard to look as good as Zachary in one. I agree, a beanie is more his style:)

    No Scavenger photos or plant/tree/flower photos today?

  6. Zachary is debonair. One of the ladies would love to have him escort them annual houndie ball.

    Henry is always adorable.

    Thanks for the plug for the red hot houndies.
