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Thursday, August 11, 2011


Keeping Watch

Dog Blog Post #411: The Daily Shoot assignment?

Frame a view using a door or a window today.

Play With Me?
Play with me?

Three guesses what Zachary's chewing on there...

Follow Me!
Follow Me!

And for a (somewhat rare) dog-containing Scavenger Challenge picture...

#24) Find an interesting object at your eye level when standing. Photo must be taken indoors."

Eye Level

... probably not what the admin had in mind, but I was standing, he was at eye level, and I find him most interesting! :)

And finally, one without a dog...

#11) Are your horizons perfectly level? Give one a radical tilt for a different look.


© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I sometimes get home and realize that the picture I took all crooked because that was the only way I could possibly hold the camera and hit the button end up being some of the best. I like the last picture, though with the plants perfectly vertical it gives the angle a bit of an odd line to it.

  2. just saying hi, houndstooth sent me this way and I have been enjoying your photos! I don't have the patience to learn how to take great pics so I admire everyone else who does!

  3. It wouldn't be a Lacrosse ball would it?

    Love the non-dog scavenger photo. Great take on yet another horizon:) And the scavenger photo of Zachary (I think?) is beautiful. Wonderful lighting.

  4. It has to be a Lacrosse ball! I'll give up the other two guesses on it.

    I think you chose a very interesting shot for the Scavenge Challenge!

    Moving water? I sure hope I can manage something tonight, but it might have to wait until tomorrow since we have a birthday party to attend this evening. My best bet is that it will involve the garden hose. *sigh* Unless I just pull out one of our waterfall shots from hiking earlier, which is also a possibility!

  5. Adorable expression on Zachary's face in the black and white photo!

  6. LOVE these!! True brilliance as always.

    Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack

  7. I love the one with the screen door!

  8. Could there be anything more interesting to photograph than a favorite dog? I think not. Nice job.
