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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Handsome Boy

Handsome Boy

Dog Blog Post #418: Nope - the picture above has absolutely nothing to do with the Daily Shoot. But I don't often see (or at least capture) that look on Zachary face, and just couldn't resist sharing.

This is NOT a cookie look (no drool).
This is NOT a Lacrosse Ball look (no laser eyes).

This is a "squirrel in the trees" look - with his head up, his eyes focused, but lacking the obsessive intensity that marks the Lacrosse Ball shots.

If only I had remembered to decrease my shutter speed (increase exposure time), which was left over from this sunny's afternoon's Daily Shoot assignment...

Make a photograph today featuring a hand.

The winning shot?


But it was a hard call for me. I came very close to picking:

All in a Row

Seeing the boys in a row behind the ball was just too funny, but it was a terrible picture of a hand.

Did someone mention laser eyes?

Undivided Attention

And now for something completely different... from Scavenge Challenge, we have:

#25) "Education Center: In the days before digital cameras and photo processing software, photographers often used fabrics, grids and oils on glass as creative filters to achieve soft or sparkly effects. This month, try one of these ideas!"

Intentionally Blurry?

Yup. I wrapped a piece of sheer fabric around the lens and made a blurry picture of a weed.


© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I love it when you capture those moments where your pup isn't posing, but rather just "being". They always seem to hold the most personality.

  2. Zachary is such a beautiful boy and you captured a fabulous moment. Bravo!

  3. very use full pet info and nice work this blog dear.

  4. That reminds me, I have to upload my filter picture tonight!

    I love that first picture, what a stunning portrait of Zachary! I think you chose the best one for the DS, but that one of the boys lined up is great for comedy.

    Rule of Thirds shouldn't be too tough if I can get a few minutes to get the camera out tonight! Nothing like shooting on the run!

  5. He has such a classic look of happiness.

  6. Love all of the shots of the boys; and I Do like your fuzzy weed picture!

  7. Zachary does look very focused yet quite relaxed about things in the top photo. And handsome as always:)

    The photo of the boys lined up behind your hand and lacrosse ball is clever but the photo your chose is lovely.

    Amazing what you can do with a bit of gauze. You've turned a weed into something exotic:)

  8. Hi
    really sach a nice blog dear. its looking great. Thanks for searing about pet info. I like pet. and i love him.
