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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Horizon - The Sequel

Horizon Line

Dog Blog Post #404: Deja vu - all over again!

If the Daily Shoot assignment of...

The horizon can be a strong composition element. Make a photograph that emphasizes the horizon today.

... seems familiar, that's probably because way back on Tuesday (yes, Tuesday of this week) we did "Low Horizons."

Quick, someone give Daily Shoot a nudge - it's fallen in a rut!

Anyway, up top was favorite. Yeah, it's hold on "Horizon" is pretty tenuous, but good grief - twice in one week? After having done Yellow twice in a week???

(Yes, I know onions are a No-No for dogs, and the description I addded in Flickr comes with a warning saying just that!

Yes, the boys (plural) did split one of those de-onioned, de-lettuced sandwiches after I was done shooting.)

My alternate shots for this were...

Horizon Line

Horizon Line

... which weren't heavy on Horizons either!

Editor's Note: About hats... several folks have asked how I get the dogs to pose with hats and/or keep the hats on their heads. I find patience and repetition work wonders, with a liberal dose of cookies.

While I'm sure you could teach this as a pure clicker training exercise, I prefer to lure this one. Showing the cookie to the dog up front enables you to position the head/nose before you put the hat on (even for the briefest of touches) and I find that's quite helpful to getting the hat to actually stay on the head!

Finally, for (non-dog) Scavenge Challenge of "Luck" we have...

Lucky Horseshoe

... a horseshoe that hubby picked up on a backpacking trip, and nailed to the garage wall leading into the house. Make sure it's a 'U' shape (open end UP) so that the luck doesn't fall out!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. I think the sandwich idea was brilliant! I swear, if there's another yellow or horizon assignment this week, I'm writing a letter or a tweet somewhere. Hmph! It's actually at a bearable to be outdoors level today *sigh* so I'll see if I can come up with something if I can get home in time.

    Great horseshoe shot, too!

  2. That sandwich shot is making me very hungry... guess I need to go have dinner!

  3. Excellent sandwich shot and very clever for the horizon I might add.

  4. Oh, man! I bet that sandwich really tempted your boys. Maybe they got a little nibble for practicing restraint. :)

  5. Lol, the DS sure is making you stretch your imagination! It's always interesting to see what you come up with.
