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Friday, August 19, 2011

One of THOSE Days


Dog Blog Post #420: Frantic Friday - and the boys weren't helping. The Daily Shoot assignment?

Make a photograph that emphasizes the horizon today and post it.

With no horizons in sight, I brought out some paper bags and figured I'd create a "wall" and have them jump over it.



You can see how well that idea worked for me...

One of those Days

One of those Days

One of those Days



But as it wasn't really a great horizon, I went the picture at the top of the post, with the one below being the alternate...


Henry was clearly unimpressed that both were of Zachary, and let me know in his own cheeky way...

Not Cheeky



Is it tomorrow, yet???

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. That second picture completely cracks me up! I'd have used it, because between their two bodies, they make a nice horizon line of their own.

    Please, DS, retire the horizon for a while! Gah!

  2. Awww, those last ones of Henry are just too cute. :) I do like the one with the blurred dog on the horizon, I think that is pretty cool.

    I love the way you are able to work with your dogs and boy just you just love it when they think it's break time!! BOL!!

  3. I love the second one two, I believe that would be a great natural frame.

    Good grief, I had no idea that what you really have are tails with a couple of dogs attached. Their tails are beautiful and fluffy.

  4. Wait, was the theme of the Daily shoot the same today as yesterday? I'm confused why yesterday's shoot, with the same stated theme, was a technical demo of the rule of thirds, while today's was taken literally as a horizon. Maybe I'm over thinking it?

  5. Yesterday (thursday) was Rule of Thirds, and you could take a picture of anything so long as it complied.

    Today (friday) was Horizon, no rule of thirds required.

    Sorry for the confusion - I probably should add the assignment day to my posts, as my posting waffles around midnight, sometimes on the same day as the assignment and sometimes creeping over into the next.

  6. "Dog Blog Post #419: The Daily Shoot went technical today, with

    Make a photograph that emphasizes the horizon today and post it."

    I don't actually follow the Daily Shoot other than through your blog. The quote above, though, is from yesterday's post, and that second line is what is causing my confusion.

  7. Ah - got it. For some reason I pasted today's (horizon) into yesterday's post. My guess is either (a) I really did paste the wrong one in (since the post was posted after midnight, I might have picked it after the topic changed) or (b) I accidentally edited the wrong post when I pasted today's in. Either way - should be fixed now. Again, sorry for the confusion. :(

  8. Horizon or no horizon, those last 2 shoes of Henry are ridiculously cute. What a sweet puppy face :-D

  9. I love the last photo of Henry running at the bags, he looks like he hasn't got any teeth, lol. He must have been running very fast!

    While Zachary might have got the best horizon photos, Henry's at the end are the cutest:)

  10. What a sweet face on Henry today! And the look on Zachary's face running at the bags is priceless.

  11. Ohhh,would you check out those puppy dog eyes. Work it, Henry, work it!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  12. OH my goodness these are so creative and executed so well! My favourite is the one with the tail sort of framing your other dogs mouth with the ball. However I also love technically the one where your focused on the fence and your dog is the bokeh horizon.

    Sigh,, your making me sad summer got very in the way of my 365[ish] Day Photo Challenge. Thank goodness I put the [ish] in there knowing I'd goof up!
