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Saturday, September 3, 2011



Dog Blog Post #435: Today's Daily Shoot assignment...

Illustrate attraction in a photograph today.

... had numerous possibilities. Everything from the one I picked up top, to...

Dog + Ball

... or even...

Mmmm.... Leftovers!!!

Isn't it wonderful how dogs never complain about leftovers? This was 1/2 an order of hash browns, 1/2 an order of  ham & cheese omelet (no onions!) and one biscuit.

No, of course they don't usually eat like that. I don't usually eat like that! But today, we all did. :)

And for the non-dog Scavenge Challenge picture, we have...

21) "No matter what our ages, we likely have some kids' toys or models around. No yard toys."



... with description:

"I bought this fellow from at a craft faire when my son was but a tot.

Dino was made by hand, with some sort of sturdy fabric in the middle, sandwiched with pieces of wood on either side. The ends of wood are angled, allowing Dino to be quite flexible.

Here he's grazing in a forest of baby bronze fennel."

Again, glad folks enjoyed the White Hat shots. I'm open for suggestions for what other kinds of hats I should be on the look out for. A friend suggested a Fez, any other ideas?

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  1. I love the bitey face shots! I keep thinking "Clash of the Titans."

    That dinosaur is one of the coolest toys I've seen, and I love seeing him out there in his habitat!

    New hats... A beanie, with the little propeller on top! I know they make them for dogs, and it would be adorable, especially on Henry. You could try a construction hat, a sock money hat like Bunny's, a stocking cap and a motorcyle type helment for some other fun mix ups! Have you seen those little hats you can get that are beanies that have little dreadlocks attached to them? They sell them for pets at Halloween time, so you might see one soon.

    Um, Henry and Zachary, I apologize now!

  2. Woof! Woof! There's that orange ball again ... Hey! got similar photo of your leftovers ... Check out my blog post today Sunday.
    Did you intentionally did the blurriness of the dogs? My mom was very surprised how my photo came out ... our camera seems did its own adjustment. let us know as we are very curious ... even though we know you have a different much complicated camera.
    Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. I always like a good bitey face picture. But the way you captured the light in the texture of the boys' fur was lovely.

  4. Henry and the ball are awesome:)

    The wooden dinosaur is lovely. What a great toy for a child. He's worn well.
