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Thursday, September 22, 2011


Under Construction

Dog Blog Post #454: No time for idle chatter. The Daily Shoot assignment?

Thursday: Construction seems to be perpetual: streets, sidewalks, buildings. Make a photo of something under construction today.

Of course they got to eat it when I was done taking pictures!

Graham crackers and peanut butter... Yum!

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


  1. Love your creativity! Too adorable. I could just eat them all up!!

  2. so nice ! your post is informative and useful. thank you sharing us

  3. I am in total envy! I feel like I shouldn't even try to make it up now, because I can't come close to that!

    A square? I think I can do that. Still looking for inspiration...

  4. Ummmm, where are the hardhats? OSEA will be watching you.

  5. Hmm, Zachary looks like he doesn't think it's quite right yet:) Henry is obviously very satisfied with your efforts!
